Just share a thought.

Friday, January 7, 2011

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So beautiful

Like this photo a lot

I accidentally see tat Adam Photography

He take the picture such beautiful

Juz 1 word can describe--AWESOME !!

Let me make a mind,want go to Paris for wedding's pic

Those pic hav the 巴黎铁塔 as the background

Nice =)

This is my first wish in 2011 year

I hope it really can come true =)

My English really not very well

Juz like a few words..ardy let me faint and spend so long time to think n write

But I'm sure I hav a mind wan to improve my English

I really know tat the English is need for this society


I'm scare abt it,I scare the somebody tell me a lot a lot English

and I can't understand wat he said = =

Juz like the last time tat 1 ppl come from college call  me

I can understand wat he said, but I dun noe how to answer his question

so Diu Lian = =

And I say I'm working now, that's all.

The conversation is end.

I wish I can speak fluent English =)

I specially use the dictionary to find these word for this blog post = =

I put many effort on it

Now, I see the English word only when I watch the television

Okay,return to main topics!

I wanna share a thought abt my frends...

Juz like A Fu said 好不容易习惯了团体的生活


Although I'm not passive ppl such like him XD

But I will miss u all at the sometimes

Everyone get job n start to put more n more effort in their future

I know Teck Wei starts to study n make a decision to study in S'pore

He starts to study A level now

Wish u gud luck =)

Fan Loong oso start working at S'pore n learnt abt elecronic @@

something like tat...these things juz suitable for these guys XD

And,some ppl n me working now =)

Wong Seet Ting working at Kedah now !!

So far, frighten me when I ask her .

Many of them work in Jusco= =

Wong Chee Yee work at Sutera Mall there side

I'm work at Taman Gaya

Wong Yook Xin works at JJ

Wei Tze Yen works at Puteri Wangsa

We work rather far apart from one another

I know I will get used after a few month

That means transition period?

Haiz,Sigh abt the time flies

We r 18 ardy =)

Not such like the teenager can play as they like

Not like the teenager can fun as they wish

I insist to tell u all

Friendship Forever !!

This word look like normal ,but the meaning is important for us =)

I will miss you all at anytime =)

Good Bye

By Chloe Lee.


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