
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

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this time is sure no job again....wuwu..

very shocked ><

my english is not very good...qing cai write only XD

my supervisor call me just now

she say my manager think "customer survice"nobody do again

manager dun noe i continue help them do "customer survice"

so...he interview a part time person at bookfair

then the person already star job on last Sunday

i dun know how to say lar?happy?shocked?

maybe unhappy

if i continue job only can do until April

so...tat is no need again...


now...i am very free..


dun noe do wat?so boring ><

no job no money

bruce oso working....shit ><

he will go singapore working...wuwu...

very really very sad...

my exam so lousy....

why?tat is me?why the mark so low

b coz i no hardworking?or unlucky?

haizzz....very down....very sad...

this time i decide hardworking on my studies

b coz i dun wan dissapointed again T.T

yes !!!! i sure i can do it !!!!

promise myself....

friends....forever friend ^^ be happy

be forever.....

always be ur friend =]

my dearest....the nice ^^

luv u ><

ting ting...thx print the letter lar...

so paiseh...haha  i luv u too ><

xin xin....dun unhappy...

thinks the happy things...ok?=]

everybody must be happy....^^


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