Internship ♥ Part 1

Friday, May 9, 2014

It just such a long long long time, I didn't appear in my little secret place.

I even have no idea how to start a blog.

Well, my intern life is just finish soon, yea, very soon.

I really want to throwback every single moment when I first step in this place.

In the very early stage, I just felt so grateful and how lucky I am that have the chance to enter OCBC Bank.

I know there was some unpleasant things happen during that time.

Never mind, I already walk through it, and it was passed.

Luckily I still believe in myself. Believe in faith, believe I can do it no matter what.

And now, it proves me I am right.

Don't simply underestimate someone's ability that you never expect it before.

During that period, it was just so hard for me to insist everything I done.

I just kind of that person, when I lost the confidence, I just like a lost sheep.

Yeap, just forget about the unhappy thing.

Let me go straight to my first working day.

Cannot simply forgot how nervous I am before begin my first working day.

I was just so worry about everything.

I am afraid that sometimes I will be the careless people as well.

Luckily I no need to drive in my first day.

My little lover just fetch me up, and giving his best to courage me as well.

He just like my vitamins for me to fight everything I faced.

Before I want to leave his car, he was just so sweet to prepare a secret present for me.

It was Orient watch which just so nice and pretty!

I know well what his intention for buying this watch for me and thanks a lot to my dear ♥

Take up the confidence, take a deep breath to have my first step.

The funny thing is that guard thought that I want to walk in interview, but I just want to show him the offer letter.

After a few minutes, a woman just came out to welcome me.

Shake my hands with her kindness smiley face.

I just so shy and said my first sentence " Hi, Good morning! Nice to meet you"

Before intern, I just thinking of every single things that I may face... (in advance).

How stupid I am, I just missed out the introduction part!

When my lady boss bring me in to the office, she just call everybody gather as she want to introduce me to everyone.

Ishhh, I didn't prepare any speech for this.

In the end, I just said a very short and simple introduction 
(at least I am not look like so nervous)

Keep the confidence throughout my first day.

After the introduction part, everyone just go back to their own place continue their stuff.

And me, just follow a big sister, she is Annie.

In my first impression, she just like a big sister for me. 
(Honestly, I'm really bad in guessing other people's age )

She actually just younger than my mum few years.

"Auntie" this term may too over for her age, so I just gave a suitable term, big sister.

When I saw her at the first time, she gives me a very serious face.

She seems like still have many things to do, and I just interrupt her job...

By the way, I may think too much. She just don't know how to teach me and no idea where to start.

It was Monday.

It was a hectic day for bank.

After she done some of her works, she just take me look around the bank and introduce me to every colleagues there.

She explained the basic operation, the department function and etc.

Actually she is the first time to teach intern student doing these things.
(and maybe she also can't get used of this.)

I admit it was a super tired day for me!

After work, I just dreaming all the time in my dear's car.

I even can't focus and just keep my mind blank.

At the first day, it just so many things I need to understand in one day.

My brain like want to burst out in a sudden.

It really hard but I like to learn new things.

Luckily I am kind of person who always curious about everything I don't know.

In the conclusion, "tired" is only the word I can describe my first day.

The other side, I am so happy to have a normal OL life.

Working when daylight and hanging out when the night time.

I just went out with my boy and enjoy the dinner together.

Although I am so tired on the first day, but I pretty sure know that there still got a long journey for me to go.

"Oh goshhh, still got three months to go. Such a long long period that I should go through."

That was what I said in that first day.

But now, the end of the three months just around the corner.

It just so kinda tired for me to blogging my long whole story by using English.

To be continue...................